Auxiliary Board of Directors

The South Dakota Peace Officers Association Auxiliary was formed in 1948 for the purpose of supporting the South Dakota Peace Officers’ Association (SDPOA).
The Auxiliary meets annually during the Association training. It starts off with an afternoon of friendly games with lots of opportunities to connect with old friends and meet new ones in our law enforcement circle. During the training, the Auxiliary may listen in the training, enjoy speakers, tour area attractions, learn new skills or crafts, and a wide variety of activities.
To become a member of the Auxiliary, you must be a family member or permanent household member of any SDPOA member in good standing. Dues of $20 are payable at the SDPOA annual training seminar or mail your dues annually in September to the Secretary/Treasurer. There is also the option to be an Associate member. An Associate member shall be any person who wishes to support SDPOAA and pay full membership dues. Associate members shall be nominated by a current SDPOAA member in good standing. Associate membership shall be obtained upon majority vote of those in attendance at the next business meeting. Associate members may attend SDPOAA meetings and participate in SDPOAA-sponsored events. Associate members may not hold office or vote.

South Dakota Peace Officers' Auxiliary Scholarship
A $200 postsecondary education/training scholarship will be awarded annually by the Auxiliary during the annual fall seminar. All completed applications are reviewed to ensure eligibility requirements are met. Applications may be completed each year while attending postsecondary training. A lottery/drawing is used to determine which completed application receives the scholarship.
The scholarship may be used as needed. Once the school confirms attendance by the end of the fall quarter/semester, a check will be sent to the student. An alternate application is also drawn in case the school is not able to confirm the original awardee’s attendance.
Community Service Projects

Each year, the SDPOA Auxiliary chooses a community service project. As an organization with members across the state, we try to choose an activity or project that will benefit those in the communities where they live.
In the past, we have collected calendars, games, and craft items for seniors, placed the items in fun gift bags, then delivered them to local nursing homes.
Another fun activity was the Birthday-Party-in-a-Bag project, in which cake, frosting, candles, and party favors were placed in festive bags and given to organizations that help children staying in protective family housing.
south dakota state high school basketball spirit of six award
The “Spirit of Six” award was created by the South Dakota Peace Officers’ Association, as a memorial for the six cheerleaders from Rapid City who lost their lives in an airplane accident while returning to Rapid City from the 1968 boy’s State “B” basketball tournament.
As reported by the Rapid City Journal, the spirit epitomized by the Rapid City cheerleaders, was best expressed with an inscription on a picture from one of the Rapid City cheerleaders to another member of the squad. the inscription said:
“This year has been quite a challenge for everyone. you’ve got the qualities that a good cheerleader needs. I sure hope that we go to state basketball, because that is definitely one of the better sides of cheerleading …….be happy and enjoy this year with all the memories.”
The Spirit of Six award is given out each year to one Cheer Squad winner at the six South Dakota State Basketball tournaments, class AAA, AA and B for both boys and girls.
The award is based upon the cheer squads’ abilities displayed in the areas of crowd control, sportsmanship, enthusiasm, behavior on and off the court and dress at each state tournament.
This award has been given out each year for over 50 years at the boy’s tournaments by the SDPOA and for over 40 years at the girl’s tournaments by the SDPOA Auxiliary.
2025 Award Dates: March 13-15 in Huron, Spearfish, and Brookings.
Congrats to the Girls State Basketball tournament cheerleading squads who received the Spirit of Six award this past weekend!!